The real Europe, Merkel and Hollande is right to give xenophobic populism

The real Europe, Merkel and Hollande is right to give xenophobic populism
Europe can not and must not forget-after leaving the initial impact of the dramatic photographs of some weeks ago the challenge posed by the arrival of thousands of people who daily continue to try to cross borders to flee war or simply look back a better life. So it was a success yesterday addressed the issue in the European Parliament German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande. History shows that when the two European locomotives pulling in the same direction, the chances of successfully overcoming any problems multiply.

They stressed that the first is to ensure the lives of those fleeing. However efficient it is for some, in electoral terms, talk about the Europe of merchants, the European Union has a humanistic base and clear, including the right to asylum and the desire for integration values. These values ​​suffered serious attacks yesterday when both Merkel and Hollande were insulted and slandered -in the chamber of the Strasbourg by various exponents of populism that advances in some European countries.

As he warned this week in Madrid excomisaria and former Minister of European Affairs Emma Bonino Italian, urgent fight disease of nationalism, xenophobia, populism and racism that spread like an oil slick by various European countries; very difficult disease to fight and eradicate once they are implemented.

The solution to mass immigration is complex and long. There is no magic formula, and less in the absence of a common European policy, and other gestures of political courage and economic intelligence. This has proven to understand Merkel when he decided not to close the doors to refugees from Germany, and has confirmed assuming the risk, with this implied the direct control of the crisis. And Hollande has understood that, with a more complicated than the domestic scene, as Chancellor showed the contempt with which he spoke yesterday in the European Parliament the right-wing Marine Le Pen-host supports a policy which, with its difficulties and limitations, basically responds to what is the essence of democratic Europe. Only the urge to Berlin and Paris may, as Merkel said yesterday, establishing a new system for distributing refugees and, what is more important, "fighting the causes" that lead millions of people to leave their countries.

The refugee issue is among the main and most urgent challenges facing Europe. Poorly managed, you can put the continent in serious difficulties. But the real problem is the advance of nationalism and populism that threaten to destroy Europe. Merkel and Hollande made that clear yesterday.

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