Football and random incentivized

Football and random incentivized

Complaints by an article in which it is assumed that not only luck favored Real Madrid in the last draw of Champions. The emphasis is, as you know, a brief comment on a topical issue that is published daily on the front page of Opinion. Entitled It's not a matter of hot balls, but highborn , on Saturday March 19 was dedicated to the draw for the quarter-finals of the Champions, held in the Swiss town of Nyon yesterday. In the article, signed by Jesus Mota, editor of Opinion, he made ​​the following statement: "To the question of whether the draw for the Champions is pure, the answer is no. The road to the end of some clubs is paved with rivals chusqueros comfortable", It is mainly referring to Real Madrid, paired in the draw with Wolfsburg and according Mota, not merely a matter of luck. "Almost from the first Sumerian tablets" he wrote, "it is known that chance exists but can be stimulated by mechanical, physical, metaphysical or mesmeric procedures. That lived Bugsy Siegel casinos and lotteries rigged by the Mafia (and not just US)".

The article provoked numerous protests. "Is it logical and fair that insinuate, without any data, the draw was rigged in favor of Real Madrid?" He asked in his e - Sisinio Juan Pérez Garzón, newspaper subscriber. Pedro Luis Egea Vega qualified article "regrettable pamphlet." A reader of El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), Carlos Matallanas, journalist and "football man", sent me a long message in which he said: "I ask the protection of the defending reader to speculation tavern, which are not admissible in any means claim to have rigor, not again elPaís". Matallanas added: "Speculating that the drawings are prepared not commit anyone in a private get - together, but do so from an editorial by means of such importance it is foolhardy plus it contravenes all manuals of good journalistic practice. As regular readers know that the accent always has a more relaxed look on his analysis, but even there text Mota explained". According to this reader, "if the journalist or media note that there is a popular rumor that he senses that there is something wrong, what they should do is investigate silent, that is the main reason for the existence of journalism. And once I proved something, publish it".

The same complaint raised Felix Rodriguez. And Juan Ignacio Martínez Pastor wrote: "Readers Mota we would like to prove such a claim with evidence." Although 'The accent' is a comment, not fit in the unproven charges. Jesus Mota sent me an email which explains: "The accent is not information; therefore, there is nothing to "contrast". It is a comment that, until now, admitted some kind of irony and intended to reflect the general scornfully that the draw was received. Apparently, that's not possible. The Accent mentioned does not contend that the draw for the Champions "is not clean wheat", although clearly been understood well, but "is oriented" in the same way as the drawings in which are awarded 'heads are oriented serial 'so that outstanding athletes or teams do not compete with each other and the competition will depreciate (in economic and sporting terms)".

No doubt that pretend Mota satirize the fate of Real Madrid, similar to Barca in the last 10 draws quarterfinals of the Champions lucky that day as reported by the Sports section. However, it can only be taken as an indictment of his claim that the draws of Champions are not "pure" or are "oriented" as clear in his message, because it would be a scandal that so. Football is not governed by the rules of court, which are allocated effectively 'seeded' to avoid competing with each other in the early rounds of the top - ranked tournaments. And although the accent is a comment, not fit into the allegations without proof. The Mota himself criticized in another few days ago Acento - and rightly so French former minister Roselyne Bachelot, by accusing Rafael Nadal of doping based on mere rumors. Bridging the gap between UEFA, Real Madrid and Nadal, the requirement not to make accusations without proof it is the same in all cases.

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